The capacity of a memory unit is defined by the number of words multiplied by the number of bits/word. How many separate address and data lines are needed for a memory of 4K \times 16?Q12.
The iteration formula to find the square root of a positive real number b using the Newton Raphson method isQ13.
Let \Sigma=\left\{0,1\right\}, L = \Sigma^* \text{ and } R=\left\{0^n1^n \mid n \gt 0\right\} then the languages L \cup R and R are respectivelyQ15.
In some programming language, an identifier is permitted to be a letter followed by any number of letters or digits. If L and D denote the sets of letters and digits respectively, which of the following expressions defines an identifier?Q17.
A linker is given object modules for a set of programs that were compiled separately. What information need to be included in an object module?Q18.
A shift reduce parser carries out the actions specified within braces immediately after reducing with the corresponding rule of grammar S \rightarrow xxW \;\text{{print "1"}} S \rightarrow y \;\text{{print "2"}} W \rightarrow Sz\; \text{{print "3"}} What is the translation of xxxxyzz using the syntax directed translation scheme described by the above rules?